5/13: numbers

Today is day 132 since I began treatment for leukemia. I was admitted to UCSF yesterday afternoon for my final cycle of chemo, and should be out on Sunday! After that I’ll have a few weeks of twice weekly clinic visits, then once weekly visits diminishing to annual checkups until June 2020.

Here are some interesting (or not) approximate numbers from my initial admission to the hospital through this Sunday and the next three weeks of outpatient checkups:

34 bags of chemo 49 days in the hospital
30 outpatient clinic visits 1 ER visit for a transfusion reaction
15 units of whole blood 19 units of platelets
89 blood draws 4 hospitals involved
2 blankets knit for Z & G 29 hats knit, crocheted, or upcycled
55 books & magazines thanks to family & friends for all the

Here’s a photo from a small hike we did at the Pescadero Marsh on March 29:

Zoë & Griffin, Pescadero Marsh